Jeremias Altmann’s work is determined by the serial examination of different topics, to which Altmann develops his own visual language. In the series YOUNG PROPHECIES, the artist reconstructs his own childhood drawings. At the same time, Altmann is enthusiastic about the inner workings of technical equipment and their morphologic changes over time, which became the starting point for the series MACHINES. His series EAR COLLECTION and HARD WORK question traditions of classical portraiture and the universal approach to artistic production. In addition to numerous other excursions into short film and installation projects, Altmann is dedicated to showing his work internationally; most recently in the Saatchi Gallery / London, his work has been shown in Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Serbia, India, Canada and China.Born in 1989, Jeremias Altmann studied graphics and printmaking at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Since graduating in 2015, he mainly works in graphics and painting. Jeremias Altmann lives and works in Vienna.


2007– 2011: WienerKunstSchule
(Printmaking – main focus on etching)
2010-2015: University of Applied Arts Vienna
(Fine Arts / Graphics and Printmaking)


Solo Exhibitions

12/2023   Next Chapter / Das Weisse Haus / Vienna – Young Prophecies, Machines
12/2022   Once Upon / Bildraum Studio – Ankerbrotfabrik / Vienna – Young Prophecies
10/2019   Young Prophecies / Magdas Hotel / Vienna – Young Prophecies
04/2019   Machines 019 / Kunstfabrik Großsiegharts / Lower Austria – Machines
01/2019    Hard Work / Showroom Karlsplatz / Vienna – Hard Work
12/2016    Jeremias Altmann – Dilli Haat / New Delhi – Delhi Street Drawings and Etchings
06/2015    Eure Angst vor Nostalgie – University Of Applied  Arts / Vienna – Your Fear Of Nostalgia
10/2011    Das kupferne Gedächtnis – Renner Institut / Vienna – The Coppery Memory


05/2022 Residency: Royal Drawing School / Dumfries House, Scotland – Machines
12/2021 Bildraum Studio – Ankerbrotfabrik / Vienna – Young Prophecies
07/2019 Kon.Klave 06 – Saalbacher Hof / Saalbach Hinterglemm – Young Prophecies
07/2018 Kon.Klave 05 – Saalbacher Hof / Saalbach Hinterglemm – Young Prophecies

Group Exhibitions

12/2022   Under Cover / TwentySix Gallery / Vienna – Machines
11/2022   Wiener Un:orte / Graphikkinder Werkstatt / Vienna – Un:Orte

12/2020   Pune Short Film Festival / Maharashtra, India – ThroughTime
06/2020   Bebop Channel Content Festival / New York – Mechanotopia

09/2019   Die Erste Öffnung – Bildraum 01 / Vienna – grey time
06/2019   Pune Short Film Festival / Maharashtra, India – ThroughTime
03/2019   Weird Wednesday Film Festival / Stuttart – Through Time
02/2019   Love for the Streets – Kaeshmeash / Vienna – PYRO
01/2019   Weidingographien – Weidinger / Vienna – Weidingographien with Norbert Wabnig

12/2018   Abstract:Reality – Saatchi Gallery / London – Woodcut With The Axe
11/2018    St. Petersburger Erhängung – IKO ART Gallery / Vienna – Nozzlebox 2D
11/2018    SPÄNE – Galerie Hochdruck / Vienna – Späne
11/2018    Stone / Paper / Scissors – Alon Zakaim Fine Art / London – Nozzle Box 2D
09/2018   LOTUS – ega / Vienna – Young Prophecies
01/2018    Far from the madding crowd – Menier Gallery / London – Delhi Street Drawings

12/2016    As well as – Lalit Gallery art junction / New Delhi – Delhi Street Drawings
12/2016    Multicolored – Urban Space Gallery / Vienna – No More Letters & Decoration
12/2016    Fragments – Galerie Jahidi / Paris – Steam-Machine
11/2016    Roots – Atelier Minus Eins / Vienna – Pieces Of Paper
05/2016    K&K – Die Schöne / Vienna – Growing Up And Down
03/2016    Curiositas – Galerie Michèle Broutta / Paris – Postkartensammlung
02/2016    Umwälzungen – Winehouse-Artspace / Vienna – Umwälzungen

12/2015     Alternative Filmfestival / Belgrad – Machines
11/2015     artmart – Künstlerhaus / Vienna – Gutter Mottes
11/2015     Exground Filmfestival / Wiesbaden – Machines
11/2015     Dokfest Filmfestival / Kassel – Machines
10/2015     Antimatter Filmfestival Canada / Victoria – Machines
06/2015     Re – Kunstraum Niederösterreich / Vienna – Taube-Flugbatt
05/2015     Hubert Silecki Filmpreis – Stadtkino-Künstlerhaus / Vienna – Machines
04/2015     Crossing Europe Filmfestival / Linz – Cinema Study
03/2015     Schwarz Weiss – Galerie Hochdruck / Vienna – Bankschnitt
03/2015     Ex Libris – Galerie Galetée / Paris – Myriam, Schlangenskelett
01/2015     Die Kaffeehausmappe – Café Weidinger / Vienna – Die Kaffeehausmappe

12/2014     77 – Moë / Vienna – Taube-Flugblatt
11/2014     CELLE: Die Welt – Künstlerhaus / Vienna – ALARM
06/2014     Essence – Künstlerhaus / Vienna – Reformations-Apparaturen
05/2014     Backup Kurzfilmfestival / Weimar – Ansichten – points of view
05/2014     Der Menschheit Würde – MUSA / Vienna – Die Würde Des Künstlers
03/2014     WARWAS – Heeresgeschichtliches Museum / Vienna – Gun Girls
02/2014     Speichern Unter – Moë / Vienna – Coppery Memory

12/2013    ZONE 3 + 2 – Educult / Vienna – Fünf Interpretationen
11/2013    The Fourth Contemporary Academic Printmaking Exhibition – Tongji University / Shanghai – Woodcut With The Axe
11/2013    Young Masters / Old Masters – Galerie Hochdruck / Vienna – Ein Ganz Gewöhnlicher Freitagnachmittag
11/2013    Thought Machines – Heiligenkreuzer Hof / Vienna – TM550
10/2013    Lucian Freud – Kunsthistorisches Museum / Vienna – Referenzen
09/2013    OFF-Space – Lusterfabrik Hernals / Vienna – Für Dich
09/2013    Exlibris, Piktogramm, Signatur – Galerie Steyrdorf / Steyr – Drei Auflagen
06/2013    Zeichnen Zeichnen – Künstlerhaus / Vienna – TM550
06/2013    Projektor – Künstlerhaus / Vienna – Kino-Konzeptwand
06/2013    der zustand – Renner Institut – Fünf Interpretationen
05/2013    make.aZINE – Künstlerhaus / Vienna – Egozine
03/2013    Gemischter Satz – Stadtmuseum / St. Pölten – Anatomische Zeichenstudien
03/2013    Diagonale – Festival des österreichischen Films / Graz – Ansichten – points of view

12/2012    Artist Run – Art Nowakowska / Vienna – Woodcut With The Axe
07/2012    SO NICHT – Objentis – Woodcut With The Axe
06/2012    Meeting of Styles – Brückenkopf Mainz / Wiesbaden – Mikroskop
06/2012    Essence – Künstlerhaus / Vienna – Niederschlag / Flugblätter
06/2012    Situaktion – Krinzinger Projekte / Vienna – Woodcut With The Axe
06/2012    Klopfzeichen (2+2=1) – myart / Veinna – Woodcut With The Axe
02/2012    Graphic Open – University of Fine Arts Hungary / Budapest – Hybrid

07/2011    ArtAussee / Bad Aussee – Serie Eins Bis Drei
05/2011    Exit11 – Nobilegasse / Vienna – Kinderspaß – The Coppery Memory
01/2011    Fugen und Furchen – Das Werk / Vienna – TM550

12/2010    Modell 16 – MelArt – Factory – Zeichnung und Druckgraphik
10/2010    Edition Jugendfrei – myart – Linotype
04/2010    Gangpräsentation – Loreal– Hauptgebäude / Vienna – Gesichter des Wahnsinns
04/2010    Gangpräsentation – WienerKunstSchule / Vienna – Kinderspaß

10/2009    Comic „now“ – Galerie der Freischaffenden / Vienna – Luna
06/2009    Die Druckgoschn – das kabinett / Vienna – Mahlzeit

04/2008    History Stills – WienerKunstSchule / Vienna – Venus Ex Machina

Since 2013 – Drawing lectures for the Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
Since 2006 – Intense preoccupation with graffiti, streetart and wallpainting
Since 2008 – Workshops and commisioned work

Photography: Norbert Wabnig


Mag. art. Jeremias Altmann
Born: 31st of August 1989
Lives and works in Vienna

Follow me on
Instagram: @jeremiasaltmann
Facebook: Jeremias Altmann

EL JERRINO / Wallpainting
Instagram: @eljerrino
Facebook: El Jerrino

GRAPHIKKINDER / Vienna Printmaking Studio
Website: Graphikkinder

